Mericha hasn't released a full length album as a solo artist since 2011. We're so excited to announce that new music is coming this year. Stay tuned for information on releases, performances and dates.

By: Mericha
Excuses are strongholds of the enemy disguised in our feelings, emotions and personal perspective. Excuses are void of real truth, faith and establish monuments of unbelief and doubt in the heart and mind of the believer. The enemy is the father of lies and behind every stronghold is a lie and looking even deeper into the access point of a lie is an excuse we’ve made because of our lack of faith and trust in God! One of our biggest struggles in this generation looking at our parents and the generations before us is there conditioning as a result of the experiences of their past. We can’t be disgusted with their propensities and use our past experiences as excuses to not walk in purpose.

By: Mericha
““I know you inside and out, and find little to my liking. You’re not cold, you’re not hot—far better to be either cold or hot! You’re stale. You’re stagnant. You make me want to vomit.”
Revelation 3:15-16 MSG
It is a plan of the enemy to keep us stagnant! To have us spending our time focusing on feeling like we don’t know what our purpose is or whether people like us or not or will like what we want to do or not or all the other “smokes and mirrors” he uses to distract us. Take a look at who you are and what you have in your hand. There is something that should be happening in and through your life now! If you’re breathing now, that means purpose and assignment are still alive on the inside of you!